MilkySilky's instructions continue with:
POUR 1/3 CUP OF EXTRACT IN A PLASTIC BOTTLE. SHAKE IT UP UNTIL IT REACHES A VERY THICK AND RICH LATHER THAT CAN STAY ON YOUR HANDS. APPLY THE LATHER DIRECTLY ON DRY HAIR AND MASSAGE YOUR HAIR AND SCALP. WAIT FOR 5 MINUTES AND USE THE REST OF THE EXTRACT AS BODY WASH WHILE WAITING. AFTER ALL. RINSE YOUR HAIR AND YOUR WHOLE BODY.In the meantime, I cooked the same soapnuts a second time and got a boil over almost immediately. I simmered for the same 20 minutes and got almost the same colour, it wasn't lighter or more diluted or anything!! Heres batch 2 compared to batch 1.

And here's anout two finger widths deep of liquid with a quick shake... LATHERRRR!!!!
Smells nice too!

Oh yeah.... when am I going to try it in my hair? Ummm.... I'm still good and my hair isn't greasy, I'm not even adding coconut oil on the ends anymore, and it's not smelly.... so I have to wait just a little bit longer... lol lol....
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